- These Solutions are created by expert team at EduHulk in accordance of latest CBSE syllabus and pattern comprehensively covering all the steps.
- To ensure that students get the right NCERT answers as per their requirement, EduHulk has revised the NCERT textbook Solution Books.
- The NCERT solutions book is based on the latest NCERT textbooks with reduced and rationalized syllabus according to the latest guidelines of NEP .
- NCERT solutions pdf Download in a single place which will be helpful when you are not able to solve the NCERT practice questions on your own. Also, you can use these solutions of NCERT as a quick revision of concepts before the exam to score more marks.
- Having a significant recognition in the sphere of study materials for XI and XII science streams, the EduHulk experts have provided best NCERT Solutions in these books. NCERT textbooks are the key book for every class.
- These books ensure a smooth and easy understanding in stepwise manner. The reading of these books is a must for every student.
- This becomes more important for the students of higher class like 11 and 12 where competitive exams strictly follow the latest NCERT textbooks.
1. Chapter Name
- Exercise English
- Exercise Hindi
- Exempler
1. Chapter Name
- Exercise English
- Exercise Hindi
- Exempler
1. Chapter Name
- Exercise English
- Exercise Hindi
- Exempler
- 1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- 2. Structure of Atom
- 3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- 4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- 5. States of Matter
- 6. Thermodynamics
- 7. Equilibrium
- 8. Redox Reactions
- 9. Hydrogen
- 10. The s-Block Elements
- 11. The p-Block Elements (Group 13 and 14)
- 12. Organic Chemistry(Some Basic Principles)
- 13. Hydrocarbons
- 14. Environmental Chemistry
- 15. The Solid State
- 16. Solutions
- 17. Electrochemistry
- 18. Chemical Kinetics
- 19. Surface Chemistry
- 20. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
- 21. The p-Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 and 18)
- 22. The d-and f-Block Elements
- 23. Coordination Compounds
- 24. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- 25. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
- 26. Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic acids
- 27. Amines
- 28. Biomolecules
- 29. Polymers
- 30. Chemistry In Everyday Life
- 1. The Living World
- 2. Biological Classification
- 3. Plant Kingdom
- 4. Animal Kingdom
- 5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
- 6. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
- 7. Structural Organisation in Animals
- 8. Cell: The Unit of Life
- 9. Biomolecules
- 10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
- 11. Transport in Plants
- 12. Mineral Nutrition
- 13. Photosynthesis
- 14. Respiration in Plants
- 15. Plant Growth and Development
- 16. Digestion and Absorption
- 17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
- 18. Body Fluids and Circulation
- 19. Excretory Products and their Elimination
- 20. Locomotion and Movement
- 21. Neural Control and Coordination
- 22. Chemical Coordination and Integration
- 23. Reproduction in Organisms
- 24. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
- 25. Human Reproduction
- 26. Reproductive Health
- 27. Principles of Inheritance & Variation
- 28. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- 29. Evolution
- 30. Human Health and Disease
- 31. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
- 32. Microbes in Human Welfare
- 33. Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
- 34. Biotechnology and its Applications
- 35. Organisms and Population
- 36. Ecosystem
- 37. Biodiversity and its Conservation
- 38. Environmental Issues
- 1. Physical World
- 2. Units and Measurements
- 3. Motion in a Straight Line
- 4. Motion in a Plane
- 5. Laws of Motion
- 6. Work, Energy and Power
- 7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
- 8. Gravitation
- 9. Mechanical Properties of Solids
- 10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids
- 11. Thermal Properties of Matter
- 12. Thermodynamics
- 13. Kinetic Theory
- 14. Oscillations
- 15. Waves
- 16. Electric Charges and Fields
- 17. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
- 18. Current Electricity
- 19. Moving Charges and Magnetism
- 20. Magnetism and Matter
- 21. Electromagnetic Induction
- 22. Alternating Current
- 23. Electromagnetic Waves
- 24. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- 25. Wave Optics
- 26. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- 27. Atoms
- 28. Nuclei
- 29. Semiconductor Electronics
- 30. Communication Systems

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