Aptitude Questions and Answers
Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers contains concepts and test papers on many topics such as average, numbers, compound interests, partnership, problem on ages, calendar, boats and streams, clock, height and distance, percentage, pipes and cisterns, profit and loss, speed, time and distance, simple interest, problem on trains, time and work, etc.
The Aptitude Questions and Answers are very helpful for competitive exams like SSC, CAT (Common Aptitude Test), MAT, GMAT, GRE, UGC, UPSC Exams, ICET, Bank PO, Defence Exams, Bank Exams, Railway Exams
- Bank PO, SBI-PO, IBPS, RBI Exams
- SSC Combined Preliminary Exams, Hotel Management
- Sub-Inspectors of Police, CBI, CPO Exams
- UPSC-CSAT, SCRA and other State Services Exams
- Railway Recruitment Board Exams
- Campus Recruitment Tests

Following are the features of this revised and enlarged edition:
1. Comprehensive:
With more than 5500 questions (supported with answers and solutions—a hallmark of Quantitative Aptitude) the book is more comprehensive than ever before.
2. Easy to follow:
Chapters begin with easy-to-grasp theory complemented by formulas and solved examples. They are followed by a wide ranging number of questions for practice.
3. Latest:
With questions (memory based) from examinations up till year 2022, the book captures the latest examination patterns as well as questions for practice.
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